Event Details
ÓRGIA (11-13 de julio): Órgia es un acto ecléctico que reúne historias de vidas secuestradas y maltrechas de mujeres que ya no lo pueden contar, relatos íntimos de quiénes lo vivieron y quieren contarlo y una verbena de voces de mujeres ávidas de ser cuerpo, uno sólo, y hacerlo saltar. No para menores de 16 años.
BARRABÁS, HISTORIA DE UN PERRO (19-21 de julio): Un niño de dos años es atacado por su perro en una situación doméstica. La madre es testigo del ataque, el padre no. Padre y madre se culparán por turnos en el intento fallido de encontrar una explicación a lo inconmensurable.
ÉTER (26-28 de julio): Sole se ha dedicado a su hogar y cuidar a su esposo parapléjico Azael, confinado a una silla de ruedas por accidente de auto. Vamos conociendo la historia de esta pareja desde su primer encuentro hasta unir sus vidas en matrimonio. Situaciones incómodas van ocurriendo y Sole cae en momentos de introspección que revelan algunos secretos oscuros de ese hombre que tanto ella amó.
Founded in 1979, Teatro Avante is a nonprofit, tax-exempt cultural organization whose main goal is the preservation of our Hispanic cultural heritage. The company has staged works by Albee, Alomá, Ariza, Assad, Cabrujas, Cocteau, Ferrer, García Lorca, Manet, Matas, Pinto, Piñera, Reguera Saumell, Santana, Triana, Valle-Inclán, Williams, Orwell, Camus and Shakespeare, among others. In 1994, the Atlanta Olympic Committee's Cultural Olympiads honored Teatro Avante with the Regional Arts Award.
Teatro Avante organizes and produces the annual award-winning International Hispanic Theatre Festival of Miami. The group has represented the United States in Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain, Japan, France, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Portugal, Venezuela, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Peru, and Slovenia and, domestically, in New York, Albuquerque, Los Angeles, El Paso and Buffalo.
Thanks to the generous support of the International Cultural Exchange (ICE) Program of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, Teatro Avante had the privilege of staging its acclaimed production of Aire frío (Cold Air), a freely adapted version of Virgilio Piñera's play by Raquel Carrió, directed by Mario Ernesto Sánchez, in five cities in Spain, as well as in Costa Rica, Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Perú.
Teatro Avante's International Hispanic Theatre Festival of Miami has received five prestigious international awards: Federico García Lorca, Ollantay and Fit de Cádiz - Atahualpa del Cioppo in Spain; Kusillo in Bolivia; and UCSUR in Peru, for "its enormous contribution to the development of Hispanic theatre in the Americas.”
Ticket Policies
Box Office opens one hour prior to showtime on days with scheduled performances.*
Phone Hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 11:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday - Monday: CLOSED*
* On days with scheduled performances, the Phone line opens at noon and the Box Office sales and will call window will open 1 hour prior to curtain. Box office closes 15 minutes after curtain.
No refunds or exchanges are issued.
The Westchester Cultural Arts Center reserves the right to refuse admission and reject any ticket that has been issued by another entity. A patron holding a revoked ticket will not be permitted into the theater unless they purchase a valid ticket.