Eventos pasados

La Descarga con Albita
December 16, 2023
Presented by The Roxy Theatre Group
Grammy-winning Albita presents a high energy, electrifying performance of contagious Cuban music combining many genres: Rumba, Mambo, Son, Afro-Cuban and folk, and she does it with true authenticity to her Cuban roots.

Génesis Díaz: Mi vida en canciones
December 15, 2023
Presentado por Fuertes Productions
Génesis Díaz, conocida por su destacada participación en "The Voice", presenta un emocionante concierto y comparte anécdotas personales y momentos que han moldeado su carrera.

Noche de Alabanza
December 14, 2023
Presented by CC Agape
La comunidad cristiana invita a los feligreses celebrar la temporada navideña con la banda Pacto de Alabanza.

Miami Gem & Mineral Show
December 2-3, 2023
Presented by The Miami Mineralogical Gem & Lapidary Guild
Come learn and explore the wonderful world of gems, minerals, and precious stones with the MMLG, with two full-days of shopping, activities, and more!

Douglas, La Noche del Bolero
November 17, 2023
Una noche llena de romanticismo, con los boleros más clásicos y conocidos de todos los tiempos y en todo latinoamérica, interpretados por una de las voces más románticas, y que hoy te invita a celebrar sus 25 años de trayectoria musical: Douglas, La Noche Del Bolero
Cantando Por La Vida XVI
November 12, 2023
Presentado por Cantando Por La Vida, Inc. & The Roxy Theatre Group
Una presentación de artes y musica para recaudar fondos para el St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!

La Descarga con Albita
November 11, 2023
Presented by The Roxy Theatre Group
Grammy-winning Albita presents a high energy, electrifying performance of contagious Cuban music combining many genres: Rumba, Mambo, Son, Afro-Cuban and folk, and she does it with true authenticity to her Cuban roots.

Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
November 9, 2023
A celebration to the start of the holiday season with Commissioner Anthony Rodriguez. Highlights included photos with Santa Claus, story-time with Mrs. Claus, performances, and more!

Internet Dating
November 7, 2023
Presented by Somerset Stallion Thespians
The Love Guru helps lost souls find love through an Internet dating seminar that teaches more than just how to hook up.…

Better Bus Network Public Info Sessions
November 6, 2023
Our bus network is going through the biggest change in 40 years on November 13, and we want you to be ready to ride with us!

Desde España: Noelia Zanón en concierto íntimo!
October 21, 2023
Noelia Zanón es una cantante valenciana que se hizo popular tras participar en el programa de la televisión autonómica 'La música es la pista’, y que se presentópor primera vez en Miami en el prestigioso Westchester Cultural Arts Center!

La Descarga con Albita
October 20, 2023
Presented by The Roxy Theatre Group
Grammy-winning Albita presents a high energy, electrifying performance of contagious Cuban music combining many genres: Rumba, Mambo, Son, Afro-Cuban and folk, and she does it with true authenticity to her Cuban roots.

The Placemaker Poet
October 18, 2023
Presented by What if Works, Inc. & The Roxy Theatre Group
A “dramatic curation” exploring the life and legacy of George E. Merrick.

Danilo Paris: Concierto debut en Miami
October 14, 2023
El cantautor cubano, Danilo Paris, celebra el lanzamiento de su carrera artística en los Estados Unidos con la producción de su primer disco "Preludio", donde se destacan temas como: "Nostalgia", "Bóveda Celeste", y "Mejor sin ti", entre otras.

"Que cante la Vida:" Luis Pastor en concierto
October 7, 2023
El cantautor nicaragüense Luis Pastor, celebra sus 50 años de vida y 30 de trayectoria artística, con un concierto muy especial junto a destacados artistas y músicos latinoamericanos invitados!

Conversations with Cava: Budget
September 14, 2023
Mayor Daniella Levine Cava is hosting three in-person conversations about Miami-Dade County’s 2023-2024 proposed budget.
Join these conversations, or check out our town halls to learn more about our proposed budget and share your thoughts with Mayor Daniella about how Miami-Dade County can build a stronger, more future ready community.

Proteja Su Propriedad
August 5, 2023
Presentado por Jonathan J. Alfonso
Patrocinado por Title Answers y Portal
¡No se pierda nuestro SEMINARIO LEGAL GRATIS: Proteja Su Propiedad! Únase a nosotros en un evento informativo y educativo donde expertos en leyes de propiedad compartirán valiosos consejos para proteger su propiedad. Aprenda sobre los derechos y responsabilidades del propietario, cómo evitar disputas legales y cómo salvaguardar su inversión.. ¡Regístrese ahora y asegure su lugar en este seminario imprescindible!
July 22, 2023
Presentado por Peter Regalado Productions
Una noche intima con LENA BURKE , un concierto Acústico en un teatro íntimo.

Cantando Por La Vida XV
June 25, 2023
Presentado por Cantando Por La Vida, Inc. & The Roxy Theatre Group
Una presentación de artes y musica para recaudar fondos para el St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!

June 23, 2023
Presentado por Peter Regalado Productions
Una noche intima con LENA BURKE , un concierto Acústico en un teatro íntimo.

HomeBuyer Information Event
June 17, 2023
Presented by The Mortgage Firm
Join us at the Westchester Cultural Arts Center on June 17th and learn how you can earn money for down payments and closing cost assistance! Presentations offered in English and Spanish
Headquartered in Orlando, Florida, The Mortgage Firm has been providing quality real estate financing for over 25 years. With a proven track record, we serve the lending needs of real estate professionals, builders and individual homebuyers.

Felizmente Tonas: Regresa a Miami
June 16, 2023
Presentado por L&D Communications
Descubre los 10 mandamientos de las tonas y porqué, aunque los 20 años fueron increíblemente divertidos, también fue la década de los grandes desafíos, desengaños y equivocaciones que hoy sabes fueron necesarios para forjar tu carácter que te ha convertido en el maravilloso ser humano que eres hoy en día.
Bajo la dirección, del actor, escritor y director colombiano, Martín Armenta, Lizzette nos subirá durante 50 minutos en una montaña rusa repleta de emociones que van desde la risa hasta las lágrimas, nos sumergirá en nuestra propia realidad y nos enfrentará a uno de los tabús más temido por las mujeres latinas de todas las generaciones: hablar de los años, pero con una mirada distinta, para reconciliarnos con ellos y agrade

My Roxy Playlist
June 11, 2023
Presented by The Roxy Theatre Group
Presenting the 19th installment of the ROXY Recital, "MY ROXY PLAYLIST", featuring students from this year's classes and Dance & Voice Teams streaming live and in person, from the tiniest of tots to those grads who are soon off to make their marks in higher education.

La Descarga con Albita
June 3, 2023
Presented by The Roxy Theatre Group
Grammy-winning Albita presents a high energy, electrifying performance of contagious Cuban music combining many genres: Rumba, Mambo, Son, Afro-Cuban and folk, and she does it with true authenticity to her Cuban roots.

Entre Mujeres LIVE!
June 2, 2023
Presented by Talento Unlimited & Baptist Health
Entre Mujeres LIVE! is a bilingual event series designed for women to Learn, Influence, Visualize and Engage. From new entrepreneurs to stay-at-home moms to corporate leaders and those juggling the many components in between- the program aims to help us grow personally and professionally.
More specifically, the inaugural Entre Mujeres LIVE! is for Latinas who are building a new life, developing businesses, navigating their own vision & goals to realize their full potential, and thrive in the United States.

May 25, 2023
Presented by RK Cultural Productions
The sensational guitar duo Siqueira/Lima returns to Miami! A unique round table setting concert, in a fabulous new venue, Westchester Cultural Arts Center, centrally located at the entrance to Tropical Park.
This benefit concert is being presented in the loving memory of our beloved Emilio Torres.

Las Paredes Oyen
April 27 - May 14, 2023
Presentado por Robby Ramos y The Roxy Theatre Group
¡Retroceda en el tiempo hasta la crisis de los misiles de 1962 con "Las Paredes Oyen"! Escrito por Robby Ramos y dirigida por Gabriel Bonilla, este emotivo drama explora la intersección de la familia y la ideología política.
Inspirada por la experiencia del abuelo de Ramos como prisionero político en Cuba, esta obra nos lleva en un viaje por la vida de una familia cuyo destino se decide en vivo en una estación de radio estadounidense. Es una carta de amor a los prisioneros políticos cubanos ya la diáspora, y no podría ser más oportuna.
A la luz de las recientes protestas antigubernamentales en Cuba, es más importante que nunca arrojar luz sobre lo que ha estado sucediendo en la isla durante los últimos 60 años. "Las Paredes Oyen" es un proyecto realizado por los hijos de los exiliados cubanos para un público estadounidense, y estamos ansiosos por compartirlo con ustedes.
También se presenta cada noche:
Gala de Arte de Kiki Valdés: Cada noche, sea testigo de la Gala de Arte en vivo que muestra pinturas inspiradas en la obra, conecta el escenario con el lienzo y amplifica las historias que deben contarse.
Cócteles especiales hechos a mano por: The Real Havana Club

The Walls Have Ears
April 8 - 23, 2023
Presented by Robby Ramos and The Roxy Theatre Group
Step back in time to the 1962 Missile Crisis with "The Walls Have Ears"! Written by Robby Ramos and directed by Gabriel Bonilla, this emotional one-act drama explores the intersection of family and political ideology.
Inspired by Ramos' grandfather's experience as a political prisoner in Cuba, this play takes us on a journey through the lives of a family whose fate is decided live on an American radio station. It's a love letter to Cuban political prisoners and the diaspora, and it couldn't be more timely.
In light of the recent anti-government protests in Cuba, it's more important than ever to shed light on what's been happening on the island for the past 60+ years. "The Walls Have Ears" is a project made by the children of Cuban exiles for an American public, and we can't wait to share it with you.
Also presented every night:
Kiki Valdes Art Gallery: Each night, witness the live Art Gala showcasing paintings inspired by the play, connecting the stage to the canvas, and amplifying the stories that need to be told.
Specialty Hand Crafted Cocktails By: The Real Havana Club

April 1, 2023
Presented by City Theatre
City Theatre invites you to join us at 6 pm to meet and mingle with playwrights, followed by the reading at 7 pm. After the reading, audiences are invited to discuss the work with HOMEGROWN playwrights and Homegrown's Miami Master Playwright, Vanessa Garcia.
Presented as part of City Theatre's HOMEGROWN playwright development program, developed to nurture, elevate, and promote Miami's BIPOC writers by providing the time, tools, and training to create their own body of work to diversify our professional playwright community in Miami and beyond. A cohort of eight playwrights work with the Miami Master Playwright Vanessa Garcia to engage in creative training and professional development. You are invited to react to the new works and provide feedback as part of the play development process. To learn more about the program, please visit https://www.citytheatre.com/homegrown.

Mayor Levine Cava's Community Meet & Greet
March 27, 2023
Come meet Mayor Levine Cava's senior leadership from across Miami-Dade County government. This event is an opportunity for residents to meet our diverse workforce, including women county leaders as we celebrate Women's History Month.

March 18, 2023
Presentado por Peter Regalado Productions
Una noche intima con LENA BURKE , un concierto Acústico en un teatro íntimo.

Bachaco "ECHA PA'LLA REMIX" Video Release Party & Concert
March 11, 2023
Join Bachaco and Mulato for the ultimate live reggae music experience at the "ECHA PA'LLA REMIX" video release party, featuring the song produced by Jhon Paul "El Increible"!
Bachaco's Latin-infused reggae beats, combined with Mulato's powerful and soulful voice, have made them a force to be reckoned with in the reggae scene. With Mulato's talent and Bachaco's touring history alongside some of the biggest names in reggae music, each song will transport attendees to a tropical paradise.
Don't miss out on the chance to be part of a memorable and energetic atmosphere that only reggae music and Mulato's mesmerizing voice can create. Mark your calendars and invite your friends to join us for a night of great music, good vibes, and the official premiere of the "ECHA PA'LLA REMIX" music video.

Casa de Muñecas 2
February 17 - 19, 2023
Presentado por Juan Montero y Raul Cruz
En asociación con Westchester Cultural Arts Center
"Casa de Muñecas 2: El Regreso de Nora" comienza 15 años después de los eventos del drama de Ibsen de 1879, que termina con Nora dejando a su esposo e hijos para buscar su propia felicidad y sustento. Ahora, regresa con su familia con un favor increíblemente incómodo para pedirles a las personas que abandonó. La secuela mordazmente divertida de Hnath, nominada al Tony, se desarrolla en una serie de enfrentamientos en los que Nora se enfrenta a la familia que dejó y cuenta con su pasado.
Con la actuacion de:
Lupita Ferrer
Lili Renteria
Raúl Cruz
y Ariadna González

Improv Jam 2023
February 4, 2023
Presented by FL District 8 Thespians
Join us for the annual District 8 Thespians Improv Jam benefitting Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Students from across South Florida present a night of comedy and fun at the beautiful Westchester Cultural Arts Center.

The Chelsea Beat
February 3, 2023
Presented by The Roxy Theatre Group
The Chelsea Beat, based out of sunny Miami specializes in the sounds and harmonies of British Rock & Pop Music ranging from the hits of the '60s British Invasion, '80s British New Wave, and '90s Britpop.

Michela's Love Movement
January 7, 2023
An Arsht Center Series
Presented by Baptist Health South Florida
For the first time, the Adrienne Arsht Center's Family Fest is going on the road! Pack your picnic blankets and chairs for Michela's Love Movement!
Michela's Love Movement is not an ordinary band. Led by tap dancer Michela Marino Lerman, the ensemble combines the highest levels of musicianship and hoofing. The group incorporates original music, spirituals, jazz, traditional and electronic tap boards, which will challenge your thoughts, uplift your spirit and send you dancing all the way home.