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7:00 PM

November 1, 2024

Flamenco Masterclass with Sonia Franco

FUNDarte presents this Flamenco Masterclass with Sonia Franco Gutiérrez, dancer, choreographer and actress who has premiered dance shows around the world. She is part of Sara Baras’ CIA, in the show “Sombras” with a world tour: Flamenco Festival New York, Miami, London, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Melbourne, Japan, Hong Kong, Poland, Switzerland, Cervantino Festival of Mexico, Chile , Brazil, Argentina and Washington.

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Reparto y creatividad

Sonia Franco Gutiérrez, dancer, choreographer and actress who has premiered dance shows around the world. She is part of Sara Baras’ CIA, in the show “Sombras” with a world tour: Flamenco Festival New York, Miami, London, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Melbourne, Japan, Hong Kong, Poland, Switzerland, Cervantino Festival of Mexico, Chile , Brazil, Argentina and Washington. In 2017 he worked on the film “The Man Who Wanted to Kill Don Quixote” directed by Terry Gilliam. In 2013 he joined María Pagés’ CIA with the world tour of the show “Yo Carmen” and “7 Golpes y un Camino” touring Montmarsall, Lyon, Moscow, Tokyo, Jerez Festival, Singapore and the Seville Biennial. In 2015 he joined Pedro Córdoba’s CIA to dance at the prestigious Japanese tablao “El Flamenco”. He collaborates with Carlos Chamorro’s CIA Malucos Danza with the show “SED” premiered at the Tel Aviv Flamenco Festival. Creator and performer of the piece “Ser.Rana” in the renowned Choreographic Competition of Spanish Dance and Flamenco in Madrid, receiving the “Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana New York” award that grants the opportunity to choreograph to the prestigious CIA Carlota Santana and enter the New York dance community. He also receives the Daniel Doña Artistic Residency Award and best original music from the Tetuán District Choreographic Contest. Currently he continues to teach workshops such as “The Words of the Body”, “The Pleasure of Acting” with Raúl Beatmac at the National Stage Training Conference in Cuenca and “Flamenco y Creación” in New York. She is also a choreographer for the Musical Impro theater and dance CIA, where she directs the choreography and works as an actress in the plays “Loser” and “Gente Natural” premiered at the Surge contemporary theater festival, she also stars in the play “El Sonido de mi Madness”, premiered in New York and with an upcoming tour in Asia.

Reparto y creatividad

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